Tools categories



Scans and index free photos from the top stock sites, so that you can find images much quicker.

The Public APIs List


A curated list for the public web APIs. You can explore public APIs by categories.

Huemint - AI color palette generator


Create unique color schemes using uses machine learning for your brand, website or graphic.

CSS Layout

CSS Layout

A collection of popular layouts and patterns made with CSS only.

Categories CSS

Combines multiple documentations of web technologies in a fast, organized, and searchable interface.

Web gradients

Web gradients

A free collection of linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in your website, as CSS or PNG image.

UI Buttons

UI Buttons

A large collection of CSS effects to easily apply to buttons on your website.

Categories CSS
Doodle Ipsum

Doodle Ipsum

The lorem ipsum of illustrations. Just customize your doodles, grab the code, and use them on your projects.