Tools categories

Videvo - Free Stock Video Footage Download Royalty-Free Clips


Free Stock Video Footage. Thousands of royalty free video clips to download.

lorempixel - placeholder images for every case


Simple placeholder image generator. You can adjust dimensions, colors, theme of the image.

HTML Arrows

HTML Arrows

Reference website for finding HTML symbol codes, ASCII, hex, css codes to use UTF-8 icons in your web.



Multiple options for convert and encode/decode plain text easyly (encoding, encryption…).

Fancy Text Decorator

Fancy Text Decorator

Generate text effects what can be used on Whatsapp, social networks, web page metadata… – Free Image Placeholder Service

Free online image placeholder generator. It has an API to generate instant placeholder images.

User Initial avatars - Generate avatars with initials

UI Avatars

Online avatar generator for your users from their initials. Use their API to generate the avatars.

BuiltWith Technology Lookup


Enter a website and discover what technologies it uses (CMS, libraries, plugins…).

GitMind - Free Online Mind Mapping


Tool for creating various types of diagrams and concept maps. You can save your project in JPG, PNG or PDF. - draw diagrams and flowcharts

Create diagrams and flowcharts with many templates and elements. Save your drawing as an image or vector.

Infogram - Create Infographics, Reports and Maps


An intuitive visualization tool for create infographics, reports and maps.

Genially, the tool for creating interactive content


Tool for creating interactive content, as presentations, infographics, guides, video presentations…

Crello – Free Graphic Design Software with 50,000+ Free Templates


Free Graphic Design Software with many templates for social media, presentations, infographics, and more.

Piktochart - Create Infographics, Presentations & Reports Online


Create Infographics, Presentations & Reports Online from scratch or using templates. Free version includes watermark.

Fotor – Free Online Photo Editing & Image Editor


Free photo editing & image editor. Edit your photos or create designs for different media.

Snappa - Quick & Easy Graphic Design Software


Online graphic design software. Whip up graphics for social media, ads, blogs, and more.