Tools categories

Can I include a tag to a tag

Can Include

Check what HTML tags you can include in another one, based on HTML spec.

HTML5 editor

HTML5 editor

Online HTML Web Editor (WYSIWYG). Type your text directly in the editor or paste it from a Word Doc, PDF, Excel etc.

Dropmail - Disposable email service


Create temporary email accounts. Create as many accounts as you need, from the web or via API.

Can i email

Can I email

Check which HTML and CSS properties and features are supported by the main email clients.

Mockaroo - Random Data Generator and API Mocking Tool


Random Data Generator and API Mocking Tool. Generate up to 1000 columns in CSV, JSON, SQL, Excel, and more.

2QR - QR Code Generator


Generate QR codes that link to a URL. You can enter the URL manually or use a bookmarklet.

KnowEm, Username Search


Simultaneously check if your personal or company name is busy on various social networks, such as trademark or domain name.